Hector De Leon
U.S. News Best Lawyer in America, Insurance Law 2007-2013
University of Texas Ex-Students’ Association “Distinguished Alumnus,” 2010
University of Texas Presidential Citation Recipient for Exemplary Service to the University, 2007

Thomas P. “Pat” Washburn
Judge Suzanne Covington Pro Bono Service Award recipient, 2012

Athena Ponce
Quarterfinalist, Hutcheson Moot Court Competition 2010
Margaret Cooper Scholarship presented by the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association, 2012
“Hildy’s Cutback Award” awarded by the faculty of The University of Texas School of Law for “capturing the imagination and respect of the law faculty,” 2012
Award from the Disability Policy Consortium, in Recognition of Zealous Advocacy for Texans with Disabilities, 2009
Most Dedicated Staffer, presented by the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, 2009
“Adelante Award”, presented by the ACLU, 2009
Texas Department of Public Safety Certificate of Appreciation for work on DPS’s Sunset bill as a Policy Analyst during the 81st Session, 2009